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Bipolar Forceps

Monopolar instruments

Radiofrequency Generators


The CURIS 4 MHz radiofrequency generator relies on innovative 4 MHz radiofrequency technology. Scientific studies have shown that tissue trauma may be reduced by using CURIS 4 MHz radiofrequency technology.1

CURIS® 4 MHz Radiofrequency Generator 

CURIS® 4 MHz Radiofrequency Technology

The higher the frequency, the less the resistance of biological tissue to electromagnetic fields - up to the point where the cell membranes are capacitively coupled. This effect is created by the CURIS 4 MHz radiofrequency generator in all monopolar and bipolar modes. When using conventional electrosurgical units the electromagnetic field concentrates between the cells and only heats up the outer layer. However, with the CURIS 4 MHz radiofrequency generator, cell membranes are conductive, and energy is absorbed evenly inside the cells. As a result, energy is administered gently and in a highly focused fashion. Precise monopolar cuts are possible while lateral heat damage is kept to a minimum.²
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